Fifth Monk Circle
Jun 17, 2017 | permalink
Whenever I have a couple hours, I find an excuse to do a circle. :) This afternoon, it was a Fifth Monk Circle -- which created a really rich field of inquiry with about 25 of us. Here's the invite:
We're calling it the Fifth Monk Circle, based on this parable that invites us to see more upstream solutions to personal and societal challenges. Questions like -- what edges are you holding, at a personal, community or systemic level? If you had a billion dollars, what would you do? :) Are you being called to any "fierce urgency of the now" action? What is your most recent labor of love project? How you have experimented with multiple forms of wealth (for inspiration, see Zilong's post)? Where have you seen the most recent example of many-to-many possibilities? What is the collective story you're listening into these days?