The Goodwill Tribe Of Dubai
Apr 8, 2017 | permalink
Chandni and Sonia have started The Goodwill Tribe in Dubai, that hosts all kinds of local events to "inspire human connection and kindness". Both of them very sweetly share with everyone, "There would be no Goodwill Tribe without ServiceSpace. They made us." It made me reflect on the joy of decentralization.
Today, they hosted a "kindness retreat" with about 20 change-makers. After a circle of sharing, we held a question around vulnerable generosity -- how can you push your bounds of kindness? After splitting into smaller groups, we came back to hold another question -- what can we do together that we can't do alone?
All of us in the circle felt stronger for having been with each other. It was lovely to share space with such a diverse group -- and enjoy 'gulab jamuns' after dinner. :)