Meeting Faisal From Uganda
Apr 8, 2017 | permalink
I spoke at a big ICAI event today, of chartered accountants in Dubai. The King's Uncle helicoptered in for the opening remarks. Many inspired speakers, like Major D. P. Singh, took the stage over the span of two days.
Many were curious how a message of generosity would resonate with this money-oriented crowd, but it ended up being the only standing ovation. Lots of small stories of micro transformations, like one inspired fellow who decided to carry water in his car so he can offer it to thirsty strangers everyday!
I was particularly touched by my interaction with a young man named Faisal.
Faisal was the security guard at the event. When I first walked in, he stopped me and asked me for my badge; I didn't have one, so he wouldn't let me in. :) After my talk, I had stepped out and when I went back in, he stopped me again. "Hey, remember me from before?" "No, no, Sir. I actually wanted to ask if I could get a link to your YouTube channel?" I looked at him a bit perplexed. So he explained, "I had to be outside so I couldn't hear everything, but I was really touched by what I heard. I also want to grow in service."
He gave me his email, and I promised to write him that night.
But the thing is that he actually followed up. "I'm from Uganda, and I find a lot of commonness in the work of ServiceSpace and Paul Freire (of whom I'm a student). For a year now, I am working here in Dubai as a security guard but I can do more than this. With my bachelors degree in education, my passion lies in working with communities to bring about change."
He's now signed up to do other local volunteering, and even applied for the upcoming Laddership Circle! One just never knows what emergence has in store for us, so we have to assume value everywhere.