MBL 2.0

Jan 12, 2017 | permalink

Back in 2011, we held a "oneness" retreat in the June heat of Ahmedabad. It ended up being amazing. The next year, we did it again. It turned into Moved by Love (a la ServiceSpace-India). Now, there are monthly retreats, with overflowing demand every month. All alumni are typically so moved they want to help further, and sure enough, projects start to emerge and thousands of ripples began spreading across the country. Instead of starting with an intent of creating impact, then building project plans and eventually arriving at inner transformation, this was the opposite. We started with our own inner transformation, in a circle, and that led to lots of projects and impact. Because it was done in this way, it is powered by love instead of money -- and continues to be so.

This week, bunch of anchors decided to sneak in a 2-day "MBL 2.0" retreat. It was very energizing. One emergent theme was "building an engagement spectrum for transformative volunteerism". Another was around a "Failure Club", where we encourage outrageous experiments in compassion that are bound to fail (but who knows, they just might succeed :)). At night, we had a skit that Khushmita had dreamed up in her 10-day meditation retreat :) (complete with Nimo doing some classic impressions of me, that had everyone rolling in laughter). We did a lot of work, but underneath it, there was a palpable sense of gratitude for our deepening noble friendship.