A Letter From My Mom -- In Gujarati!

Jan 11, 2017 | permalink

My parents landed in India this morning, and it was so sweet of everyone here receive them with so much love. In a way, they are everyday folks -- but they are everyday folks with a lot of blessings from many. And well deserved merits borne of consistent, small acts of love.

They got tagged with plane tickets, so my mom decided that she would hold a heart of service on the whole plane ride. One thing she decided to do was respond to Jay's email about starting Awakin Sydney -- and she wrote this beautiful letter in Gujarati.

I was very touched by the letter, and another reflection she wrote (in Gujarati) on how Awakin Circles have changed her. She writes so poetically in Gujarati! When Ragu heard about these writings, he joked that he wanted the original copies of this letter for KarmaBay (ServiceSpace version of eBay :)) -- and my mom is indeed saving it for him. :)

Beyond that, it has also ignited a series of conversations between my mom and I, about writing in Gujarati as an expression of her service. As a teenager, my mom was a gold-medalist in college and a published author of various Gujarati books and articles -- but given the culture at the time, she had to do it via a pen name and eventually stop. However, I've been nudging her to reignite that natural talent of hers, in service to inner transformation -- so expect more soon. :)