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Feature In The Hindu

After several events in Delhi, I ended up agreeing to do an interview -- mostly as a courtesy to the organizers. It ended up getting featured in The Hindu in Delhi (and later across India).  Interviews often get edited down for easier reading, which can lead to quotes getting taken out of context.  Fortunately, their editing wasn't too extensive and they printed most of my words. :)

Ever since I was a kid I would always ask the big questions of life. What’s the purpose of this whole charade? What happens when one dies? What is the motive for action? Often, I didn’t find the answers I was looking for, so I would start investigating. Seventeen was a turning point in my life, when my spiritual search came into the foreground. I was playing a lot of tennis (secretly hoping to turn pro), I took advanced academic classes and was already a junior in college, and I was en route to start studying computer science at UC Berkeley. My first (and only) job was as a software engineer at Sun Microsystems but my prime focus had shifted to dealing with my unanswered existential questions. The journey still continues to this day, but where previously I was looking for answers, I now look to dissolve the questions.


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Projects I'm Involved With

"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."