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In Pondicherry: Love, Power And Penance :)

Landed up at Mark and Yoo-mi's place today in Pondicherry.  The two of them have been supporting ServiceSpace practically since it's beginning, and as Yoo-mi likes to joke, "It's ruined my life. I can't do anything for money anymore." :)

Mark and Yoo-mi organized a beautiful series of events.  First up was an evening talk organized by Vijay-bhai at Sri Aurobindo Society.  It was very engaging and the most memorable question was a rant by a youngster who essentially said, "Love doesn't really work all the time.  We need to resort to violence to change people's minds."  After I shared Preeta's talk on love and power, my conclusion was a counter question: "My experience gives me a lot more faith in love.  What about yours?  That's a question to hold."  Lots of people signed up for a 21-day challenge, which Yoo-mi is anchoring.

Next up was Lalit's gorgeous space. He had managed to ring up a lot of fancy folks in the community, and we had another engaging evening. I opened with Sri M's lesson of how "A single moment of kindness is worth more than a hundred years of penance."

On another note, Mark and Yoo-mi's newest neighbor in Pondicherry is Sujatha Babu!  They met when Yoo-mi attended the first ServiceSpace orientation, back in the summer of 1999 -- in the Silicon Valley.  Here they are, neighbors again. 

May we all stay neighbors in service and stillness. :)  


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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."