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Moved By Vinya's Love

One highlight in Chennai was meeting Vinya's husband, Sunand, for the very first time!  True to her big-hearted spirit, Vinya wrote this super-sweet note to my parents and Guri:

Dearest Aunty, Uncle and Guri,

I am writing this email a few hours after Sunand and I drove Nipun from Chennai to Pondicherry :). We had an incredible two days in Chennai and I missed seeing you.

We had an Awakin Circle with Nipun in Bhuvana's place. This was Sunand's first Awakin circle and how fortunate for him to experience it with Nipun. Needless to say it was a beautiful circle. :) As Sunand and I drove home, he was speechless for awhile and then said: "Nipun is showing all of us to trust each other as human beings in such a simple way." I was thinking of all the folks who walked in as strangers before the circle and left as family.

And as I think of the zillions of ripples that have been created from the kindness temple, I feel so overwhelmed with gratitude.

This morning, we had idlis and pooran polis for breakfast at Bhuvana's place and Nipun shared the story of Aunty making puran polis when Nipun and Guri were doing the pilgrimage. :)

I am going to make a food offering to someone everyday until Nipun's return to Berkeley in gratitude to you for sending him on his current pilgrimage to India.

I know you must be missing him and wanted you to know that I am so grateful for his visit and the countless ways I have been touched by you.

Lovingly and Gratefully, :)



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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."