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New Found Brothers And Sisters

Couple years back, after my talk on humility, I met Hitesh.  A seeker, a vegan, father of an adopted daughter, a successful entrepreneur -- he's a very unique combination. :)  Our friendship rippled into another talk at Emory last October.  And he was keen that if I'm ever in Chennai, I should visit their company headquarters.  So I did.  These two rockstars below (Hitesh and Sreyans) lead the day to day operations of a several hundred person media company (that's worked on movies like Batman and Spiderman!):

Really sincere and good-hearted people.  They crammed all their leadership into a standing-room space, and I spoke spontaneously.  It was charged (and hot, by the end!), and they were very keen to do various things, like a 21-day challenge, complete with videos. :)  In their corporate context -- stuff that would make Birju proud. :)

The feeling I was left with is that I've just made many new brothers and sisters.  I may not even know their names, but you can't share a context of such wholesome energy without feeling irrevocably connected.  It's something I feel frequently, but what's becoming clearer with every passing day is that this kinship is real benefit of generosity, kindness and compassion.

After such gatherings, I typically tag folks with books and cards and related goodies that came up in our conversations.  When folks receive the package by mail, they're often moved by gratitude -- more than the stuff, the fact that I would remember.  Then, I reveal the truth: "Well, actually, I can't take credit for this -- it was this other fellow in another city."  That's even more gratitude-inducing and will prompt some of them to say: "Can I tag someone in another city, then?"  That was the case with Sreyans and Hitesh.  Pay-it-forward chains continue in a myriad different ways. :)

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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."