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Magic At Bhuvana's Awakin Chennai

Bhuvana held an Awakin Circle in Chennai today.  She used to host in Bombay, and recently moved to Chennai -- and decided that she would host it every week, even if no one else is able to join.

It shouldn't surprise me by now, but there's something about these circles. :)  The stories that emerged tonight were deeply moving, from everyday acts of kindness to life-saving acts of unexpected compassion.  And we were all strangers, for the most part!  I don't know exactly how it happens, but I'm delighted to witness the magic. :) Everyone was keen to keen to do small acts of service, including Arti who spoke about "Friday Fruits" (gifting a fruit to someone on the streets).

One young man walked in for the first time, at the recommendation of a friend, and shared with teary eyes, "I don't know why but since the moment I've walked in here, I've just felt like crying."  (He runs an organization that plans surprise-events for people. :)  Most recently, they orchestrated this viral video of thanking policeman -- which has now been watched 3.6M times.)

Here's our happy photo with those who were still around post dish-washing:

The next morning, a beautiful email thread continued, with notes like this from Malar: "Happiness from yesterday is still lingering within me.  All the people I met have brought such an impact on me.  My main realisation is how just a few people in a circle (so different from conference setup) can elevate so much awareness and love towards fellow human beings, harmony and service."

<< Previous | Posted Dec 20, 2016 | Next >>


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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."