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A Luminous Light Remains

I met Sister Lucy at last year's NGO retreat -- and was very moved by her love.  We've shared a special connection since then, and we again at this year's retreat and then recently at Awakin Talks.

Sister Lucy is lovingly called the "Mother Teresa of Pune".  At a very young age she felt moved to serve, stayed with Mother Teresa and became a nun.  At the age of 19, though, she witnessed a woman burned to death and that in turn moved her to a life of service.  Catholic by faith and secular by heart, she disrobed as a formal nun to serve freely.  She has a daily meditation practice, and runs an organization called Maher, that is home to more than 4 thousand children now in 42 different centers.  When Swara recently visited her, she noted, "You can just feel the love in the place.  And in this big space, Sister Lucy just has a small room with three cots.  One for her, and two for random kids that feel like sleeping in her room that night."  Maher appropriately translates to Mother's Lap.

Before we even knew of each other, we've had a very natural (and special) connection.  Typically, a note like this would be flattering but coming from Sister Lucy, it is nothing short of a blessing:

"My very Dear Nipun, you really have a direct connection to God and attract all good people around you.  I felt so good to be in the company of all saints.  I have heard "A luminous light remains where a beautiful soul has passed."  That is what is happening in my life after I have met you.  Love, Sister Lucy"

I could say the same about her -- and so could thousands of others.

Here's the video and transcript of her talk.

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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."