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The Man Who Couldn't Stop Giving

I spoke at one of the largest "Chartered Accountant" firms in the country today.  Lots of bright, young folks crammed into a standing-room only setting.  By the end of the hour, the room was spellbound as I spoke about the service journey, and especially emphasizing "multiple forms of capital". :)  With Sachi and Smita-ben's assistance, lots of people signed up for a 21-day challenge, took Smile Cards and Smile Decks.

A young woman came up to me with tears in her eyes, and shared, "Thank you. For the first time in my life, I understood who my grandfather was.  He was so kind and loving, that whenever he would leave home, he would give away everything he had.  I mean, every single thing except his dhoti.  Even his kurta (his shirt) would go!  No one in the family could understand him, but he loved everyone anyway.  I think, today, I felt what he might've been feeling.  Thank you."

For a few moments, my mind was also suspended, pondering the state of non-duality that her grandfather must've had.  (I'm reminded of the Selfless Gene and this story of The Man Who Couldn't Stop Giving.)      

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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."