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Ripples Keep Rippling

I often joke that ServiceSpace is funded by nature.  For instance, we don't need a marketing budget, because compassion is contagious.  :) What starts in some small way, keeps on keeping on. Here's a story from Ani ... 

"A few days after our circle here at home, my 15 year old niece who also lives in Mill Hill excitedly told me she had gone into Costa, on the Broadway, to get a coffee on the way home from school. On taking her order, the girl behind the counter smiled wide, handing my niece a Smile Card and telling her somebody who had come before her had already paid for her coffee. :) My niece -- who is familiar with Smile Cards, often tagging school friends and teachers -- was totally blown over by this surprise gesture, had never expected to be on the receiving end of a smile card tag in a coffee shop. :) She naturally assumed it was I who had left a Smile Card in Costa. It wasn't. Who knows. Perhaps it was a person from the Youth Circle who had felt moved to tag somebody on the way home. Perhaps it was from a person not connected with any of us who had happened to receive a Smile Card tag. :)"

Lots of gratitude to Trishna and Ani for continuously nurturing the ripples in London ...

Bunch of local press reported on various events, lots of new friendships were cultivated, many new projects (including Mita, who's starting an Awakin Circle in Harrow, and Mike, who's exploring another Karma Kitchen location!) and organic cross-pollination emerged (like some folks from Austria will soon be coming to India for a retreat!) Thank you, all!


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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."