Pondering In Pondicherry

Dec 24, 2016 | permalink

I've had a bunch of deja-vu moments recently.  On the face of it, I've had loads of activity.  But underneath, there's an increasing suspicion that I'm just on a joy-ride in the passenger seat. :)

Take a recent example.  Lalit hosted me for a talk two days.  He was quite moved and tells the current Governor of Pondicherry, Kiran Bedi (of 'Doing Time, Doing Vipassana' fame), that she should meet me.  Incidentally, my friend Rajeev from Malaysia happens to be visiting Pondicherry, giving a talk that Kiran had requested; he is elated that I'm local too, and also tells me that he shows my Harker talk at all his trainings.  We all meet for lunch the next day.  I ask Sujatha to join; she's doing her PhD in game theory from IIT Madras, and it turns out her work could be very useful for some ideas that Kiran Bedi is pursuing.

Afterwards, Lalit (who was lovingly escorting me on his scooter!) asks me, "Where are you staying in Kombakonam?"  This is a small city, that most people outside of Tamil Nadu haven't heard of. 

I said, "Not sure, why?"

"I have a friend who has the best resort in Kombakonam -- you must stay there."

"Appreciate that, Lalit -- but my hosts have already made the arrangements."

"No, no, trust me.  I'll arrange for transport.  Tell me where are you staying?"

I'm clearly not going cancel, but he insists, so I look it up.  It ends up being the same hotel that Lalit's friend owns!  And that night, it so happens that his friend is going to be in town (he rarely comes there).  That guy, Steve, is an entirely remarkable story in himself.

Another example.  I see a serene, old American man walking down the street.  With him is a kid in his early teens, carrying a small yellow flower.  Both are walking in peace and neither are saying anything, nor feeling compelled to talk.  Something about them is striking.  I'm with Bala-ji, who points them out: "That's the famous author who translated Saavitri and many other teachings."  Bala-ji is dropping me off to my next meeting with Sraddhalu, which turns out to be at the home of Madhav Pandit.  It also turns out that Pandit-ji was Bala-ji's mentor (until he passed away).  While three of us are meeting, two others walk in -- that American grandfather and kid holding the yellow flower.

It was just surreal.  Not just momentarily, but for long periods.  Am I walking on the street, or is the street walking in my mind?  Does it matter?  Who is asking the question?  Then, just empty, but full.

All the pieces continue to interlock so elegantly.  I'm in awe at the dance of the universe.