Infinite Vision Book Launches!

Nov 5, 2011

We had a spectacular Infinite Vision book launch event at a UC Berkeley auditorium tonight.  From a founding team member of Aravind to co-founder of Seva Foundation to Wavy Gravy and Rev. Heng Sure to the overflowing ServiceSpace hearts, the event was jam-packed in more ways than one.  Before the event, author Gil Friend says: "I was on page 63, and I told my wife that this book has more wows-per-inch than any book I've read in my life."  During the open-mic part of the event, Somik shares a story of how his wife married him because of Infinite Vision!  Our interns, suited up in their ties, took photos and recorded the event.  After the event, a HUGE line greeted Pavi and Suchi as they flexed their wrists to autograph one book after another. :)  At one point, security guard himself starts helping us with the setup (and busted out some tools to fix a leak in the tea dispenser), and is naturally drawn into the fold of the powerful collective vibe -- and starts to deeply listen in.  While my original thought was that he was patroling the crowd since we had more people than seats, :) Guri informed me later that she had a conversation with him about how touched he was with the story; sure enough, Guri gifts him a book as he responds with gratitude, "Oh, I will most definitely read this book."  The ripples have begun. :)

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"Service doesn't start when you have something to give; it blossoms naturally when you have nothing left to take."

"Real privilege lies in knowing that you have enough."